Sowing Seeds of Savings: Essential Tips and Tricks for Teaching First Graders the Value of Money


As a first-grade teacher, it can be challenging to teach young learners about the concept of saving money. Most children at this age may not fully understand the value of money and the importance of saving. However, instilling this financial concept at an early age can have a significant impact on their future financial habits. That’s why it’s crucial to have a well-planned and engaging lesson on saving for first-graders. In this blog post, we will discuss practical strategies and tips for teaching first-graders about the concept of saving money.

The Importance of Teaching Saving in First Grade

According to a study by the University of Cambridge, children start forming their money habits as early as seven years old. This highlights the significance of teaching financial literacy at an early age. By teaching first-graders about saving, we can help them understand the concept of budgeting, setting financial goals, and making smart financial choices.

Aside from developing good financial habits, teaching saving in first grade can also help children understand the value of money, develop critical thinking skills, and build their self-control and patience.

Practical Strategies and Tips for Teaching Saving Lesson

Here are some practical strategies and tips for teaching a saving lesson to your first-grade students:

  • Start with a story or song: Children at this age learn best through stories and songs. Incorporate a story about a character who learns the importance of saving or a fun saving song to grab their attention and make the lesson more engaging.
  • Use visuals: Visual aids, such as pictures, videos, or real money, can help young learners understand the concept of saving more effectively. You can also create a savings chart to track their progress and motivate them to save more.
  • Set achievable goals: Set realistic savings goals for your students, such as saving for a toy or a snack. Encourage them to save by making a fun savings jar and let them decorate it. Students can then add their savings to the jar each week and watch it grow.
  • Teach them the value of money: First-graders may not fully understand the concept of money, so it’s essential to explain the difference between needs and wants. Use age-appropriate examples to help them understand that some things are necessary, while others are just nice to have.
  • Make it a team effort: Encourage your students to work together and save as a class for a common goal. This will not only teach them the importance of teamwork but also motivate them to save more.
  • Lead by example: Children learn by observing, so be a role model and practice good saving habits yourself. Talk to your students about your own savings goals and how you save money for specific purposes.

Reflective Questions and Tips for Implementation

Now that you have some practical strategies and tips for teaching a saving lesson to first-graders, here are some reflective questions and tips to help you implement these ideas:

  • How can you adapt these strategies and tips to fit your students’ needs? Remember to consider any diverse learning abilities or backgrounds in your classroom.
  • How can you incorporate real-life examples or activities to make the lesson more relatable and engaging?
  • What resources or materials will you need to prepare for this lesson? How can you make the best use of them?
  • How will you continue to reinforce the concept of saving in your classroom moving forward?
  • Consider collaborating with your school’s math or financial literacy department for additional resources and support.


In conclusion, teaching first-graders about the concept of saving is essential in shaping their financial literacy and habits. By using practical strategies and tips, incorporating real-life examples, and being a positive role model, you can make this lesson engaging and impactful for your students. Remember to constantly reinforce the concept of saving in your classroom to help your students develop healthy financial habits that will benefit them in the long run. Let’s start teaching our students the value of saving early on and set them up for financial success!

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